“ Art-Cement (特殊水泥藝術)就是我定義這些特殊水泥作品的統稱。運用特殊的水泥配比,製作出高強度、超薄(低重量)的空間組合。Art-Cement 所要傳達的精神,是對於地球的尊敬。地球環保的動機與地球資源再利用新概念。”
- Chirs Chou
“The Art-Cement is the name I use to define my cement products. Art-Cement products are crafted by mixing different types of cements to create products with high density yet light weight. The essence of Art-Cement is to express the ability of people to co-exist with nature, as all products are made with environmental sustainability in mind."
- Chirs Chou
Art-Cement 水泥材料的運用,對於地球的毒害與破壞,相較是最低。塑化類製品,是可以輕易塑造出任何精緻產品的形式,價格低廉;問題的發生在於,塑化劑及其他添加劑對於地球的毒害萬年而無法消滅!木材的取得與嚴重濫伐,樹林的銳減,更是極端的影響樹林對於地球環境的調節功能。
Unlike with plastic or wood products, the materials used for Art-Cement are carefully selected to reduce environmental harm. Plastic products, which are easy to design and produce at low cost, unfortunately cause enormous harm to the environment that can last for tens of thousands of years. Using wood products, on the other hand, aids oftentimes uncontrolled deforestation.
Art-Cement 除水泥基本材料外。其餘皆利用廢棄資源,回收再利用,玻璃、木料、電線、水管、冷氣銅管、鐵件......。結合各種原材料的特性而創造出的作品。
Other than cement, the materials used in Art-Cement are all collected from recycle resources such as glass, wood, wire, copper pipe, hose, metal pieces.. The Art-Cement products are designed and developed by utilizing each materials special feature.