Number: CL003 / 材質:水泥、鋼材
其實, 建築不一定要方方正正。一位維也納建築素人,用他自己對建築美學的觀點所建造出的佳作,令人讚嘆!對於他的敬佩,我也蓋一棟。
- 漢德瓦薩之家是奧地利藝術家佛登斯列·漢德瓦薩在維也納建設的一處公共住宅。漢德瓦薩在1972年出演一次電視節目時曾稱自己的夢想是建一座和植物一起生存的家。1977年,時任維也納市長對漢德瓦薩發出邀請,請求他建設一座人類和自然共生的公共住宅。這座建築中1983年開工,1986年完工。
Architecture does not have to be constrained to rigid rectangular forms. One such exception is the Hundertwasserhaus in Vienna. Built by Austrian artist Florsten Hundertwasserhaus, the Hundertwasserhaus is a public apartment complex that expresses the artist’s own unique concept of architectural beauty. In a cameo for a TV programme in 1972, he announced his personal dream to build a house that can co-exist with nature. In 1977 the mayor of Vienna invited him to design and construct a building that achieves this goal and expresses the symbiosis between man and nature. The project started in 1983 and completed in 1986.